About Us

Established in 2018 by the Sharjah Asset Management Holding (SAMH), Sahab Smart Solutions is the technology partner of the Government of Sharjah.

The SAMH is the investment arm of the Government of Sharjah, with a focus on capital investments, as well as asset and property management.

Driving digital transformation across government platforms, Sahab aims to implement innovative, smart solutions that are transparent, data-driven, accessible, and citizen-oriented. The company’s services are created with the purpose of enhancing business performance and leveraging the capabilities of governmental entities, while enabling economic growth and better quality of life among citizens.
Being a semi-government entity, Sahab prides itself on leading digital transformation across Sharjah, and in supporting the UAE’s goals in innovation and technological advancement.

As a partner of choice in the industry, we have proven our expertise in developing innovative and creative solutions that are meaningful, intuitive, durable, scalable, profitable and resilient.

Moving forward, we remain committed to supporting the UAE’s vision of becoming the most innovative country in the Arab region while also building on Sharjah’s capabilities to secure a better quality of life for its citizens and residents.

Organizations around the world are attempting to keep up with global digital transformation.

Organizations around the world are attempting to keep up with global digital transformation. Given the rapid pace at which technology is changing, this process can be difficult to implement and sustain in the long run. To support other entities in their digital journey, Sahab Smart Solutions has instituted a partner ecosystem, which offers opportunities for growth, accelerated development, and building connections. Through our partnership programs, we collaborate with companies across an array of sectors, to successfully improve performance, and build on new business opportunities.

Partnership Programme

Want to contribute to something greater?

Join our smart community of technology partners to work on the region’s most innovative transformation projects"


Interested in a career in the fastest growing industry in the world?

Join us at Sahab Smart Solutions to lead digital transformation from the frontlines.

Students / Interns Entry level Professionals Experienced Professionals

Abdelrahim AlZarooni

Digital Business Manager

Ahmed Ghanem

Digital Transformation Manager

Mohamad Alameddine

Digital Transformation Manager

Hoor Al Yafei

Support Services Director

Nedaa Ahmed

Office Manager

Qayser Dawood

Accounting Manager